Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Real Friends Are Born

"good friends are like stars you don't always see them but you know they are there."
                                                        -Christy Evans

        It's easy to socialize what's not easy is to find a group that you can comfortably socialize with. While my husband is the yin to my yang. Having friends outside marriage is still very important to me and so my journey to finding good friends in a foreign land began..

          To give you an idea how I met my fitches (short for filipina bitches but in an endearing way) let me go back to the time not too long ago when I was a FOB (fresh off the boat). I spent months adapting to my new home, the land of golden state. Climate, culture, food, and yes even my way of thinking has to adjust too. Everything is beautiful in southern California and I am certainly enjoying it here but there are times that  I get hit by homesickness. I miss the family I left in PI,  my crazy friends, the food, I miss everything that I am accustomed to and familiar with. One day, out of boredom I browsed through facebook and I found CA wives group who showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. I joined the meet up and voila! just like that I met a lot of filipinas who were also very eager to meet fellow "kababayans". Being surrounded by filipinas and being able to speak my native language again was like a breath of fresh air after months of trying to fit in to a new place. Thank God for my supportive and encouraging husband, thank God for Zuckerberg's invention and thank God for CA wives. I still miss PI and I am planning to spend my christmas vacation there but right now my pinay friends help me deal with homesickness.

 Allow me to share some photos taken from last year's Christmas Party. It was a huge success!
"Grab my banana" game played by couples
The wives were absolutely competitive!
"CA wives in the house!" group photo
Tomato dance game played by couples
 This is my husband being repulsed by 
the sight of the roasted pig although 
it looks like he cant't wait to devour it! LOL
Now you see it, now you dont! haha!
soooo goooooood food!

     After this huge event, party invites came pouring in continuously on our group page. We had a spring picnic gathering, mother's day meet - up, baby shower and birthday parties. Everything went well and I would like to think that everyone found friends.

    Talking about friends, I became close to a few of them and eventually called them my fitches. We recently went to Salt Creek Beach Mission Viejo, CA and soaked up the sun. Some of them didn't make it, nevertheless, It was a fun-filled friends day out where everyone had a blast! I know for sure I did. I attached a vid clip below made by my sexy fitch, Marianne.

     As the saying goes, "In life people come and go but the best will stay". I believe I already met the "best" in  my fitches. I have only known them for a short time but we clicked right away. These girls are true and genuine,  a rare find in a foreign land that I now call my home. I may not get to see or be with them everyday but our non-stop group chats certainly makes me feel like we are always together and I want them to know that they earned a spot in my heart. Cheers to more fun and adventures in the future fitches!

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